Wednesday 2 May 2012

Jupiter enters Taurus

Jupiter enters Taurus
S N Rao

The fifth planet in our solar system is Jupiter, approximately 4831⁄2 million miles away from the Sun. It is our largest planet, more than 300 times as massive as Earth, and has a diameter of 89,000 miles compared to the Earth’s 8,000. Jupiter is a colossal world so big that it could contain the Earth and every other planet in our solar system, and still have lots of room to spare. At certain times (every 13 months or so) Jupiter is the most brilliant object in the sky, shining with a flashing white luster that rivals any star.

In astrology Jupiter is the planet of good luck, optimism, success, and generosity. Jupiter brings joy to life. Are you a generous person? Do you seem to attract success through your close associations? Are you able to turn your ideas into profit? Does your luck work for you when you need it most? If you answer yes to these questions, Jupiter is well aspected in your horoscope. The position of Jupiter in your birth chart can indicate where your fortunate opportunities are to be found. This benevolent planet shows where you have the most room to expand and the areas in which you will get the best out of life. Jupiter has always been identified with the idea of expansiveness and abundance. In astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as the Greater Fortune and luck. Jupiter’s significations are luck, health and happiness, wealth and worldly goods, power and high position. It rules over knowledge, higher learning, breadth of vision, and honesty. Its influence bestows a willingness to partake of life, to gather new experiences. The knowledge that Jupiter imparts is on a philosophical level, as opposed to the day-to-day cleverness that Mercury confers. Jupiter’s position in your chart indicates how outgoing and genial you are, whether you attract money and possessions, and in what career you will have the most luck. Jupiter signifies the good things that come to you easily and with little effort. It is said that when Jupiter is working for you, you will never go low and under. You will often find that Jupiter’s power comes to your rescue at the last minute. However, it is also true that unless you put Jupiter’s gifts to good use and not waste them, they can be taken away as quickly as they were given.

The transit of Jupiter plays an important role in the life of every individual. Jupiter stays in a sign for roughly a year. Transit Jupiter enters Taurus on 16th May 2012. It will remain there till May 30th 2013. During this transit it will influence every individual in some form or another. In Astrology Jupiter is considered to be the planet of expansion, success, and growth. No wonder Ancient vedic astrologers referred to him as "the Greater Benefic". Which house Jupiter is transiting right now in your chart is where you can expect expansion, good fortune and feelings of optimism. However, it is easy to also feel lazy under Jupiter transits, to not take advantage of the opportunities he's bringing you right now thinking that there will always be more. And there will be for about a year, as Jupiter takes approximately one year to transit a sign. But he will move on and so will the opportunities so take advantage of them as they arise. Jupiter can also make you feel so optimistic that you may tend to overdo what ever area he is currently influencing. 

First of all, a planet transiting through a sign exercises its essential character through that sign. Jupiter urges us to grow, expand, and seek meaning. In Taurus, Jupiter seeks ways to increase prosperity, security, and pleasure. He looks for meaning in nature, in the enjoyment of the world’s bounty, and in the senses. He favors gradual, steady growth over sudden, dramatic growth spurts. The blessings of both Jupiter and Taurus are many: a sense that anything is possible, that security is within reach, and that pleasures are abundant.  But the combination of Jupiter’s respect for doctrine and Taurus’ conservatism has a potential downside: the unwillingness to confront needed change. While Jupiter is in Taurus, we’re unlikely to see critical examinations of entrenched attitudes or policies, however inconvenient, outmoded, or even harmful they may be.

Jupiter enters the 2nd house and here it can bring you lots of cash or an overextended pay check depending on how you play your cards. Jupiter transiting here it's very likely more is going to come your way. But do yourself a favor and make sure you have the cash in your hot little hands before you blow it all away. The period is favorable for investing your income and earning good results later. Pay attention to opportunities that can expand your investments or savings account, maybe a better job or even winning the lottery are all possibilities  However it is advised to use your extra cash flow wisely and think ahead. If you are feeling really generous, throw a little in the path of your favorite people or causes.

When Jupiter crosses the ascendant, it's a time when dreams can come true, the popularity soars and people in general just seem to smile upon you. This is considered to be one of the luckier transits of Jupiter as luck occurs when Jupiter aspects the ascendant from another part of the chart. Now is the time to be open to meeting new people who can help you reach your goals in some way, as well as receiving more support from those you have known for years. If you want to make changes in your appearance , a new hairstyle, diet, exercise program, now is a great time to do it. Others are also likely to support and encourage us in these areas, and may offer the extra funds to help make it happen. Of course you have to be willing to get out there and accept the help, and allow the changes to occur, but as you do, you will find that at least in this area of your life, things just seem to get better and better. Be open to having your horizons broadened and let the adventure begin. 

Jupiter enters the 12th house, the house of seclusion, meditation, chanting and all kinds of new aged things. This is called the house of " Self-undoing". It is also the house of the subconscious but with Jupiter transiting here, you are able to tap into our intuition and gain insights that prove to be very fortunate for you if we are willing to take the time and heed the inner voice's prompting to slow down, kick back and let the energy flow. This is also the house of visions and second sight so don't be alarmed if you suddenly have a vision and may decide to change altogether. Under this transit there will be thoughts and spirituality taking over the practical behavior of the native forcing them to decide something which may not be entirely favorable to them.

Jupiter enters the 11th house, the house of success and gains. It is also the house of social activities. Groups and organizations of all kinds are indicated here and you may find yourself involved with one. You may find yourself involved with many friends and from one to another and each will offer you a new way of looking at life and the universe among other things. Of course some discretion is advised, after all this transit won't last forever and at some point you will be wishing the train would stop so you can make a quick exit. Like when Jupiter moves on to your twelfth house. But in the meantime, you will find yourself connected with an amazing variety of people, all of whom you will learn from as well as teach. Your social life is bound to improve by leaps and bounds.

Jupiter enters the 10th house, the house of karma. This is a good period for kids and completing higher education. Amazing things can happen, especially if you have been working hard to get yourself noticed by your superiors. Authority figures in other words, your Boss to be exact. Now's the time to go for that job promotion, or to look for a better career, one that's more in keeping with your life philosophy and values. You are likely to connect with many helpful people at this time, and they will lift you up to a higher level of living. You may even be offered a job in a foreign country, or make some important career ties with others abroad. Keep your ears and eyes wide open, you just might pick up on the chance of a lifetime. For those who are self-employed, Jupiter's transit here can open the door to fantastic new opportunities to expand both your business and your good reputation, so be open to making new contacts, even those that may not seem like much in the beginning can lead to great things later on. 

Jupiter enters the 9th house, the house of fortune. Long distance travel, higher education, religion and philosophy are all highlighted when Jupiter transits his natural home. Now is the time to plan that long distance trip to another country or just across town if you have never been. This is also the right time for taking admission in higher education. You just might learn something new. If you have ever wanted to see your name in print, now's the time to get cracking on your writing skills for when Jupiter moves into the 9th house, chances are good something like that just might happen. This is also a good period to take interest religious and social activities.

Jupiter enters the 8th house. Traditionally this is the house of sex, death, inheritances, taxes, and the occult. So what do you get with Jupiter here? Do you really want to know? It's quite possible that you may have more acquaintances with more than one person. If you are happily involved with your partner, this is a dynamite time to learn some new things in this area. It's also quite likely that you may receive some kind of inheritance, if you have been expecting one and it has been delayed for any reason, now is the time it should come through. This applies to positive karma as well, for what we send out is what we get in return. This is also an excellent time for those so inclined to begin exploring the realms of metaphysics and magic. It's not terribly common to have many physical deaths occur when Jupiter transits this house, but those that do tend to be very peaceful, often a blessing for the person involved. You may also find that things are dying in your life that NEED to die, that hold you back or limit your growth in some way. Let them go, as Jupiter will then bring you more than enough to make up for any "loss".

Jupiter enters the 7th house, the house of partnerships / marriage. You are about to have many special moments with your special other. With Jupiter entering through this house, hope springs eternal. Actually, it is very likely you will end up having to choose between several potential partners as Jupiter never does anything in small bits. This can extend to other committed partnerships as well, including a business partner or two, maybe even one with more than a few bucks to spare to really get that small business off the ground. Jupiter rules foreign countries too, so you may find yourself hooking up business or personally with someone from another country. Get out there and let people know you are available.

Jupiter enters the 6th house, the house of health. Our health and daily details via our work is covered by this house. This is a great time to look after our physical health as well as the way we relate to co-workers and handle the day to day aspects of our lives. Those around us here are likely to be more helpful, friendly and responsive to our needs and us to them. We get as we give so go out of your way and do something nice for someone today as tommorow it's likely we will get it back multiplied. Daily schedules are likely to be very busy, so plan your time carefully and do be sure to take a break now and again to enjoy the view. Spruce up your work area with plants or pictures of those you love, affirmations that have meaning for you ( especially those that relate to being noticed for the excellent job you do by higher ups and being rewarded for it.). Now is also a great time for checking out those want ads if your job really isn't what you want to be doing day in and day out. Make a list of all the things you would love to do with your days if you were: A: Independently wealthy B: About to receive a Large inheritance or marry a wealthy spouse C: Suddenly had the heavens open up and be showered with gold coins D. Could do any blessed thing you wanted to do if you just had the chance. Jupiter will open the door, but you are the one who has to walk through it. Also be aware that anything you do in this house is going to be noticed by others big time, so do mind your manners and put out what you would like to get back in return. 

Jupiter enters the 5th house, the house of speculation and love. The urge to gamble be it with the checkbook or the heart can take center stage here. It is true that when He Who Loves To Shower Us With Good Stuff arrives in this house, these areas are likely to take on a special shimmer and glow. Just don't get too excited at all the possibilities but check in with your inner guidance to make sure it's real luck and not wishful thinking that is leading you down the garden path. The good news is, you are likely to end up with not one but several new heart throbs and maybe even a pregnancy that has been long awaited. Just make sure that if you aren't in the game to have a child yet, that you take adequate precautions. This is a wonderful time to have a second child hood, to reopen yourself to the innocence and bounty of the Universe. Learn some new games that are fun to play, audition at the playhouse for that role you know was just written for you. Be playful and creative, you just might uncover a talent or gift you didn't know you had that could be turned into a great career later down the road. 

Jupiter enters the 4th house, the house of residence and domestic life. Home sweet home, that's the feeling you'll be seeking with Jupiter here, so if home is not all you want it to be, now is the time you are likely to start looking for new house that is more in line with who you really are deep down inside. This is a good thing as the more you express who you truly are, what you desire in support of that will also begin to blossom and grow. But whether you move on to a new place ( even the possibility of moving to a new country with this transit) or love your home now, in some way it will grow and good luck will grow right along with it. So take a look around and ask yourself what would make your home a happier and more satisfying place to be for all concerned and get to it. What we surround ourselves with is what we tend to receive more of into our lives so anything we do to positively change our surroundings right now can pay off in big ways through good luck in other areas of our lives. 

Jupiter enters the 3rd house, the house of siblings. Luck here will tend to come from neighbors, siblings, ( also those close to you that are like brothers and sisters ) and paying attention to what's going on around home base. Take a class at the local college, you will probably meet some neat people who would just love to help you reach your goals. Hang out at the local bookstore or library, you might learn something that can take you further faster than you ever thought possible. Jupiter here wants you to expand your thinking and examine your belief systems. Any negative thoughts or beliefs you are carrying around may also get blown out of proportion, so now is a great time to get those in check through positive affirmations, reading spiritual or inspirational literature or working with creative visualization. Short trips around town, lots of them, are likely so make sure your wheels are in good working order. Better yet, take up cycling or walking, not only are you likely to meet some new and fascinating people and help the environment to boot, but you will also help to expand your mind instead of your waistline.